Early career scientists - 5 sessions to attend at SfN
We’ve hand-picked the following Professional Development Workshops taking place at this year’s Society for Neuroscience annual conference that will be useful if you are a student or a scientist in the early stages of your career.
With over 30,000 scientists attending this year’s conference, this is sure to be an unmissable event with plenty of leaning opportunities. From networking to communicating your science, we think that these workshops cover essential skills for a successful career in science.
To help you plan your schedule, SfN's Trainee Advisory Committee Working Group have created a Sample Agenda to give you an idea of what events are on offer and how you could plan your time, helping you to create your own schedule.
Global Approaches for Collaboration and Networking
Organiser: Emmeline Edwards
November 11, 2017, 9:00 – 11:00 AM, 207B
This workshop will be conducted by Women in World Neuroscience (WWN), an independent mentoring and networking organization aimed at providing opportunities for neuroscientists across the world. The goal of this workshop is to expand the connections among neuroscientists across the globe, to highlight the potential of developing strategic collaborations, to identify funding sources, and to provide strategies for successful grant establishment of research networks.
News You Can Use in Writing Grant Applications: Updates from NIH
Organiser: Bruce Reed
November 11, 2017, 12:00 – 2:00 PM, 207A
The premise of this workshop is that understanding current NIH policy and priorities is advantageous to grant applicants. Much has changed at NIH, including an emphasis on rigor and transparency that is now influencing scores in review; new policies on clinical trials; evolving scientific priorities at the Institutes; and new funding opportunities. In this workshop, senior representatives of CSR, NINDS, NIA, NIDA, and NIMH will highlight implications of these changes for neuroscience grant applications.
How to be Successful in a Career in Academia
Organiser: Lique M Coolen
November 11, 2017, 3:00 – 5:00 PM, 207A
Navigating a successful career in academia requires multiple levels of planning, training, and reaching key milestones. In this workshop, four speakers will discuss best practices and share experiences about key elements of success in academia, including obtaining extramural funding at all stages of training and career, high profile publications, receiving mentoring, and the need to negotiate. Each speaker will talk for 10 minutes, followed by questions and discussion involving the entire panel.
A Practical Guide to Science Communication
Organiser: Torrey Lyn-Salmon Truszkowski
November 12, 2017, 12:00 – 2:00 PM, 207B
Participants will develop science communication skills during this active workshop. First, participants will create a short, compelling story for their research. Then, participants will develop a flexible strategy to share their scientific story with any audience. Strategies for being clear, concise and compelling will be discussed. This workshop will provide a short introduction to the core skills needed to successfully communicate science with anyone.
Navigating Career Transitions in Neuroscience
Organiser: G.E. HODES
November 12, 2017, 9:00 – 11:00 AM, 207A
This workshop will provide insight for participants who are approaching a career transition, either as progression in the academic pipeline or from one career path to another. We have selected scientists at various stages of their careers across academia, industry, government, and science social media, to discuss the paths they have taken and what helped them obtain their positions. Our goal is to highlight the number of different opportunities that neuroscience offers and provide information on how to choose and prepare for these career transitions.
For more resources, visit our Neurowire blog where you can get advice on how to write your first research grant application, presenting your scientific poster at a conference and more!