Scientifica proud to organise the Uckfield Business Awards

Scientifica proud to organise the Uckfield Business Awards


Scientifica is proud to be an organiser of the first ever Uckfield Business Awards, which are being run in association with Uckfield Chamber of Commerce.

"While the majority of our customers today are overseas, our local community is really important to us and we are excited to be involved with the inaugural Uckfield Business Awards," says Adrian Corbin from Scientifica, which has its headquarters in the East Sussex town.

The Awards are to be announced at an awards dinner at the East Sussex National Hotel on Thursday 1 November.

"Uckfield is one of the best places in East Sussex to do business and we want to celebrate that," said Adrian Corbin. "We are delighted that 30 local companies – including main sponsor Parker Building Supplies - have stepped forward to sponsor the awards and we are involving the public as well."

With 15 award categories – there is an opportunity for every Uckfield business to take part – no matter how big or small, how long established and what industry it is in. Awards include 'Business of the Year', 'Customer Service Award' and 'Best Dressed Window'.

Adrian added: "There are awards for businesses, business leaders and employees. Categories have been chosen so that there is something for every business, large and small, to enter."

For more information about the Uckfield Business Awards, visit:

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