Scientifica Meets - Alex Sossick, Plymouth 2019

Scientifica Meets - Alex Sossick, Plymouth 2019

Scientifica met Alex Sossick, organiser of the 10-day Practical Course on Advanced Optical Microscopy for Cell Biology at the Marine Biological Association in Plymouth.

Alex shares that this course is aimed at both Biology and Physics PhD students and Postdocs who want to gain a better understanding of modern microscopy techniques. He explains that the course teaches both basic and advanced techniques in lectures and practical sessions, with the 2019 course including more image analysis.

Scientifica supports the course through provision of our HyperScope multiphoton microscope that this year was used with a TOPTICA FemtoFiber Ultra 920 laser, as well as company experts to demonstrate how to carry out multiphoton imaging.

Watch the video to find out more about this important course.

Scientifica HyperScope multiphoton imaging system

Simultaneously perform two-photon microscopy and photostimulation with exceptional performance thanks to our most advanced multiphoton imaging system yet. Available with a variety of scanning configurations, the HyperScope helps to answer complex research questions in either in vitro or in vivo samples.

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